Friday, June 24, 2011

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  • akhilmahajan
    07-16 11:29 AM

    is it possible to send an email, probably daily once to all members about High Five ?
    I feel that most of the members are not aware at this time. Usually when ever something is happening live at senate or congress, more members visit and follow the proceedings. Since there is nothing like that right now, i think it's time to communicate to all of'em.
    Just a thought to increase the momentum. This is a great initiative indeed in this tough economy

    By the way, i've mailed another check of $50 today morning, towards yesterday's target of $2000


    I think sending out emails to everyone wont serve the purpose. It will become more of a Spam from IV, which won't help in any way.

    AFAIK, IV sends email to its members, when they have updates. I hope this helps.

    Also, all the state chapter leaders have been asked to sent out emails to their respective state chapters. So, people will be knowing about this campaign.


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  • GCBy3000
    01-03 05:40 PM
    It is your perspective. Do not bash like this about India in public forums. Feel free to experss yourselves but be honest and tell the truth.

    I do not agree with overall bashing about India. It is not that bad as you have told. I have lots of friends who are neither engineers nor doctors, but doing very great job. There are accountants, lawyers, teachers, professors and self employed people who are all doing good and great.

    Yes, infrastructure is bad. But it is all relative comparision. India is doing good and will do good. You have freedom to do whatever you like. Education system is good everywhere inlcuding villages. Opportunities will not chase you, you have to chase them and it is true everywhere in the world.

    GC Cons:
    1.You cannot enjoy the company of your parents/relatives.
    2.Your wife cannot work.
    GC Pros:
    1.You and your family will be raised in a pollution free environment.
    2.God forbid,if you ever get into an accident the cop would at least write down a complaint.If there is an emergency there would be an ambulance.My father had to go through this unfortunate experience.
    3.In India, given the real estate boom , anyone who has land in cities like Mumbai /Pune would rather build a mall or residential complex instead of Schools/Colleges.People are getting jobs now. Have they wondered where their kids will go to school/college? When it comes to getting jobs in India, everyone wants a candidate from a reputed college / university which is usually associated with the number of years the place has been around.
    4.If you want to settle outside cities, then you do not have access to the best in education and whatever so called infrastructure is there to offer.
    5.Back home, if your kid does not grow up to become a Doctor or Engineer he/she goes so much down in the social hierarchy that it is difficult to imagine.Only careers available are Doctors/Engineers.Last option is to join call center and live a nocturnal life.
    6.The job hierarchies in India are mostly namesake , at least in IT. The moral compass of Indian corporate world is pointing directly,constantly, and unerringly to hell. You will notice a "Sir-jee" system very soon after you start working there.
    7.On a last note, with a surge in purchasing power it is immature to declare India a developing/developed nation so soon. That tile is at least 500 years away and we have not started making the ground work yet(the Chinese have).

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    07-14 02:50 PM
    contributed $10 for me and my wife

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  • catchupvijay
    07-14 10:41 PM
    Check posted.


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  • alok_msh
    07-14 02:39 PM
    Sent 25$ Conf: 7YB5G-450FX

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  • gk_2000
    06-01 05:17 PM
    Thank you for contacting me to share your suggestions and thoughts on immigration reform. I appreciate hearing from you and welcome the opportunity to respond.

    It is tremendously helpful for me to hear suggestions from constituents about how Congress can act to improve this country's immigration policy and I will be certain to keep your concerns in mind. Moreover, any comprehensive change to our immigration system should only be considered after a complete analysis of the full consequences.

    Once again, thank you for your letter. I value your opinion and hope that you will continue to share your thoughts and ideas with me. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 224-3841.

    Sincerely yours,
    Dianne Feinstein
    United States Senator

    Further information about my position on issues of concern to California and the Nation are available at my website .: United States Senator Dianne Feinstein, California :: Home :. ( You can also receive electronic e-mail updates by subscribing to my e-mail list at .: United States Senator Dianne Feinstein, California :: E-Newsletter Signup :. ( Feel free to checkout my YouTube page YouTube - SenatorFeinstein's Channel (


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  • lrindy
    09-30 04:41 PM
    Receipting people are not the ones adjudicating the cases. They are different people. So there is no used stopping the receipting.

    If this news is true, then we can see "wild" approvals before the end of September. Some people with complete cases may overtake others.

    It's already happened. Go to and look through the posts there. One guys wife has 485 approval, and he hasn't had even an LUD on his application and he is PRIMARY!

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  • Madhuri
    10-21 12:23 PM
    Just emailed and will also send a snail mail tonight.


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  • GCBy3000
    07-20 12:12 PM
    We should not let Cornyn down due to this bill's failure. We have to send email and thank him for bringing up this bill eventhough it failed. This will keep up his spirit and make him feel that there are people behind him even if this bill failed. This will make him to pursue other amendments in favor of legal immigrants if at all there is a slight chance before this NOV.

    So let us thank him. Should we? Yes if IV says.

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  • RE: Adriana Lima

  • eastindia
    03-06 09:38 PM
    Not a single person on this thread criticizing will ever go back however much painful the greencard wait is. This is a ugly truth.

    Life in USA is far better than India and will always be until India controls its population, curroption and poverty.


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  • jonty_11
    07-06 05:37 PM
    just like they made EB3 other workers number "U" in mid June...why didnt they do the same for all EB categries in July >?????

    Why are they still showing CURRENT>
    what does the answer to this question mean?

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  • billu
    09-13 08:22 AM
    i had heard a lot of ppl everywhere talk abt "new numbers will be available from oct.".....due to fiscal year that oct visa bulletin is out and there are no EB3 numbers for india as "current"....did they mean november visa bulletin which will release mid october?......or is bridge amendment the only hope for us Schedule A professionals now?


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  • amsgc
    06-08 10:47 AM

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  • somegchuh
    01-03 04:11 PM
    I think you bring up very valid points. For a lot of ppl who have stayed away from family/extended family for so long, they may not like the constant interference.

    "I miss my parents" is not quantifiable but what about the paying back the debt by supporting your aging parents? Let me make the question a little broader, isn't every immigrant divided between doing what's best for the children and supporting the parents?

    for some it is money, for others it is about taking care of parents etc.

    for me it is all about where I would like to live, grow and bring up my child. to me the answer is very clear. while this country is not perfect, no country on this planet is. if a human makes an objective list based on quantifiable pros and cons, the decision is very easy to make.

    as for stuff like "I miss my parents" that is not quantifiable and should never figure in the discussion. what is the guarantee that you can return to your home country and live in the same city as you parents do? what happens if your kids don't want the grandparents to interfere in their lives? what happens if you cannot take constant interference from friends and extended family?

    my reasons may come across as cold and calculating. however, it is an inhospitable world we live in and it is up to us to provide the best possible cocoon for our immediate family and that is exactly what I intend to do.


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  • coopheal
    08-12 12:34 PM
    They could have done this and re-captured visas with additional fees or whatever. And called it greencard fraud fees it that makes them happy. But the fact is they did not want to do anything to give relief to Immigrants. Recapture (hundreds of thousands of visas) would have significantly helped helped retrogressed countries like EB3 India, China, ROW and EB2 India China. They can take additional fees as long as we know the recapture is being done.

    Very true. If he really meant what he said (inovating companies use of H1B) in the speach, bill would have something to alleviate employment based GC backlog.

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  • GCNirvana007
    09-17 06:12 AM
    Explain to the DMV about this... and try not to go on a weekend. They are extremely busy on weekends are easily irritated. Find them when they are relatively calm and free...

    pal :)

    Mr.CoolPal - No offense to you. However your suggestion basically says we should be at their mercy and most of us let them treat us this way.

    This is God damn license. If you have all the right paperwork why the f*** we need to care about their mood. They need to do their job. If they dont give you the license when you have all the paperwork, go sue them. But do we do that?. No. We are Chickens. All we do is come to a free forum and whine.

    Yeah all the chickens go give red.


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  • newbie2020
    08-12 01:01 PM
    The impact to companies like Infy etc is ~5-10MM

    If someone look at their last year Balance sheet, They spent appx 16MM on visas, now assuming H1 cost came to ~10MM (these companies do lot of business elsewhere )

    that would translate to ~ 2500 filings (including extn, new etc)

    this additional $2000 would result in additional $5MM cost if they decide to continue filing 2500

    This would not be too huge to make a dent on these companies. yes they may increase their billing to client by $2-5

    So who is ultimately paying it is the American companies who use offshoring companies.

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  • Mouns
    04-30 03:29 PM
    OK so here it is, it will get 2 years before the backlogs due to the surge clear and to get back to normal... :mad:

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  • javadeveloper
    08-14 05:33 PM
    USCIS should come up with strategy like if you are in US for 'X' years and if your 485 pending for 'Y' years and if you own a house worth 'XXX$' , then they should give GCs irrespective of Category(Eb1,Eb2,Eb3,Eb4 etc..)

    07-24 04:27 PM
    My lawyers have just said I will NOT get an EAD because I don't have a visascreen. EVEN though I have a USA RN license.

    Has anyone heard of this. This is a first for me.

    Anyone with advice? Please help


    12-03 07:09 PM

    I am about to switch jobs using EAD. I am worried that if my current employer revokes my 140, CIS may by mistake cancel my pending AOS. I am mentally prepared for this and talk to lawyer to be ready to file MTR in this case. However here is my question.

    1. Will this immediately cancel my EAD? if so, I may have to resign.
    2. If I continue working while filling for MTR, will it be illegal?
    3. How much it costs to go thru' MTR process? How long it takes?

    I read on some other website that denying 485 doesn't automatically cancel your EAD. Any inputs?

    addsf345, did you get the answers? if yes, please share. Thanks much.:)

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