Sunday, June 26, 2011

justin bieber that should be me album

images out Justin Bieber#39;s quot;That justin bieber that should be me album. Justin Bieber - That Should Be Me. My World Tour. Tulsa.
  • Justin Bieber - That Should Be Me. My World Tour. Tulsa.

  • newbee7
    07-05 11:29 PM
    Dugg! and posted a comment...
    Please also digg comments.

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  • levox That+should+be+me

  • wonderlust
    07-09 02:57 PM
    Hard copies of letters are more powerful than emails. Please continue writing letters because we need sustained efforts. Please also consider asking Ameirican Citizens to send letters from their perspective. See the letter template drafted by my American friends:
    __________________________________________________ ______________

    July 9 2007


    I am a tax payer and resident of (YOUR STATE). I seek your help in the following matter:

    On June 13th, the U.S. Department of State online Visa Bulletin announced availability of a large number of immigration visa, which opens door for legal employment-based immigration applicants to submit their paperwork starting July 1st. On July 2nd, merely 2 weeks later, the Visa Bulletin published by the U.S. Department of State announced that �there will be no further authorizations in response to requests for Employment-based preference immigration application cases�. This drastic change is condemned by American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) as �Bait-and-Switch� policy which �slams the door� in the face of immigration applicants who are following the laws. New York Times called it �immigration malpractice�. This has been a waste of the government�s time and money.

    As an American Citizen and a tax-payer, I have worked and lived alongside with many legal immigrants and prospective legal immigrants. They actively contribute to the economy, education, technology, culture, and research in the U.S.

    They also respect and obey the laws, even though there are stringent scrutiny and limitation imposed. For example, they wait for years to complete the legal process, during that time, they cannot travel abroad without the serious risk of being denied re-entry. Having committed no crime, they have to notify the government every time they change their place of residence � something that, among American citizens, only convicted felons are required to do. They have spent hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars on government-mandated application fees and related costs. They have underwent inordinate amounts of stress making sure their applications were complete and properly filled out in every way, knowing that any error or omission, real or perceived, could get their application automatically rejected. Through it all, they had faith in the system of legal immigration. Now they are being penalized for following the law and for having faith in the system, because the federal government has dealt with them unjustly and deceptively. Such a way of dealing with prospective legal immigrants is sure to deter other highly skilled, intelligent people from wanting to live and work in the US, to the detriment of our country.

    I request that you investigate and work to improve the procedures for legal employment-based immigration. Specifically, I strongly urge you to support the highly skilled people who are seeking legal employment-based immigration because they are actively contributing and improving the (YOUR STATE) Community and the greater American Society.


    PD 06/2006
    Member of IV since Feb 2007

    justin bieber that should be me album. that should be me justin
  • that should be me justin

  • whitecollarslave
    04-30 02:31 PM
    Can somebody post the link please?

    2011 levox That+should+be+me justin bieber that should be me album. The song — That Should Be Me
  • The song — That Should Be Me

  • arnab221
    12-12 05:49 PM
    What are the chances for the PD moving to Mid 2007 by end of 2010 ? :(


    justin bieber that should be me album. That Should Be Me (Ft. Rascal
  • That Should Be Me (Ft. Rascal

  • ramus
    07-06 01:08 PM
    07/07/2007: State Department Record of EB Visa Number Authorization Involving Current Fiasco

    According to the State Department, from October 1, 2006 through May 30, 2007, the USCIS requested and was authorized the total EB visa numbers of 66,426. Between June 1 and the first few days of July (?), the USCIS requested and was authorized over 60,000 EB visa numbers, in approximately one month. Since it has been made clear by the USCIS that during the last weekend of June 30 and July 1 (2 days) the USCIS approved 25,000 EB 485 applications, apparently over 40,000 visa numbers were requested and authorized before the weekend. Obviously the 60,000 plus cases must thus have been approved (?) in one month. Unconformed sources indicate that they processed and approved (?) a substantial number of application on Sunday, July 1, exhausting the EB numbers by July 1 and making the EB number unavailable not from July 1 but from July 2, 2007. It is interesting that even before the legal team initiate any discovery, the truth starts coming out of the cabinet a bit by bit.

    justin bieber that should be me album. The song — That Should Be Me
  • The song — That Should Be Me

  • SkilledWorker4GC
    07-15 10:37 AM
    Money raised in a day = $1014.00

    Lets raise $2000 today.

    Please keep track of $$ raised. It helps motivate ppl. to come forward


    justin bieber that should be me album. 2 - That Should Be Me (Feat.
  • 2 - That Should Be Me (Feat.

  • chanduv23
    04-30 02:32 PM
    No audio. Just deafening silence (deafening because of high level of background noise). I thought they aren't saying anything.

    Same here, looks like a technical issue.

    2010 that should be me justin justin bieber that should be me album. out Justin Bieber#39;s quot;That
  • out Justin Bieber#39;s quot;That

  • forgerator
    12-10 04:35 PM
    Kudos to USCIS though for keeping themselves employed. They have made such a mess of what could be a simple immigration planning process, by introducing layers upon layers of groupings, arbitrary allocation number limits and what not. A similar but perhaps even more complicated rocket science mess exists in another govt entity - the IRS.


    justin bieber that should be me album. That Should Be Me (Feat.
  • That Should Be Me (Feat.

  • needhelp!
    09-10 03:26 PM
    Thank you k3GC, ngodisha, Karthikthiru, deba, watcher , ek_akela, mpadapa

    hair The song — That Should Be Me justin bieber that should be me album. called “That Should Be Me
  • called “That Should Be Me

  • cygent
    07-15 04:49 PM
    Thanks for the effort Guys!

    I am contributing $5 for each year I have been in the US of A. $5 for ever year since I first landed in 1997.
    $50 through Paypal coming your way. (Unique Transaction ID #5YT644475Y3428116)


    justin bieber that should be me album. that should be me justin
  • that should be me justin

  • JulyFiler
    08-20 07:56 PM
    Yes, CA DMV takes quite a while to get clearance from DHS to validate your legal stay before they issue you DL.

    hot That Should Be Me (Ft. Rascal justin bieber that should be me album. quot;That Should Be Mequot; (remix
  • quot;That Should Be Mequot; (remix

  • StarSun
    05-11 10:25 AM
    Please continue to call the senators on the list and post the feedback on this thread


    house That Should Be Me Justin justin bieber that should be me album. yourjustin justin bieber
  • yourjustin justin bieber

  • lonedesi
    08-06 08:24 AM
    Raydon, thanks for expressing your situation. But I still feel we are not requesting TSC to expedite our cases. All we are asking his, please do justice to us and follow the FIFO for the I-140 petitions. TSC has been consistently approving cases filed in recently and just continuing to ignore our cases. If you can explain your attorney, I am sure he will understand. Or atleast have him, fill out form 7001 on your behalf and send his own letter explaining the situation to Ombudsman's office.
    I understand that I-140 is employer petition, but it ulitmately belongs to you. So you need to do whatever you can do some how convince your employer or attorney to assist you one time. I-485 is your petition, and you do not need any consent, if you need to send a letter to Ombudsman's office. So please try your best and see if you can mail the form & letter to Ombudsman's office.

    Much as I'd like to participate in this campaign, it's the employer's signature that I can't guarantee. My employer is a big and prestigious (supposedly) company and will not want to sign this petition or do anything against the counsel of the attorney. The attorney is not gaining anything by expedited processing of the I-140 and won't support this either. He's an AILA member too, if that's of any significance.
    If this is worthless without the employer's signature, then I'm unable to participate in this campaign, though it is a worthy effort.I would urge all members who can get the employer's consent to definitely participate and wake up the USCIS from it's slumber.They need a big kick up their you-know-where, especially the TSC.

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  • That+should+be+me+justin+

  • vaishnavilakshmi
    08-07 12:29 PM
    I still see it as 7/112007 !!! Am I missing something :o


    No,it is edited now.go thru the link once again and see.It is edited to 7/1/2007.



    pictures 2 - That Should Be Me (Feat. justin bieber that should be me album. justinandbieber
  • justinandbieber

  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 03:52 PM
    Bumpers...please bump this thread...this should be on top...

    That will help matters. However what we would REALLY like to see is, that the thread remains on top via actual people contributing and logging that they did so on here.

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  • Such as that should be me,apr

  • Jaime
    09-12 04:45 PM
    Will do more tonight


    makeup That Should Be Me (Feat. justin bieber that should be me album. That Should Be Me Justin
  • That Should Be Me Justin

  • eb3_nepa
    06-01 11:28 AM
    pretty soon they will start requiring photos from worksite to prove that employee exists and that the company exists and is present in the US. LOL :D (I think this was a requirement for H1B...may still be a requirement):rolleyes:

    Just to let u know, during my H1 processing, my H1 was thrown back to my lawyer asking them to send photographs of my workplace and co-workers, server room, my desk. I had to use an entire disposable camera for the same. To make things even funnier, i was not even the First one to be on H1 in my company. We had atleast 7-8 H1's at one point in time. The reason given for a throw back was, that this company seems quite new and small.

    I know this is off topic, but since someone has raised this point albeit in jest, i thought i should let people on here know that UCSIS has it's own whims and fancies at times. So if something similar has happened to you in the past know that you may not be alone. :)

    girlfriend That+should+be+me+justin+ justin bieber that should be me album. Justin Bieber Teams Up With
  • Justin Bieber Teams Up With

  • Leo07
    05-06 12:28 PM
    I appreciate your comments! I was contemplating what's more effective. I think I agree with you now.:)
    We have sent letters in the past only to get a standard CANNED answer. It is my opinion that the letters we send do not have any impact, cos as soon as they see "Immigration" as the subject, they (staff) sends the standard letter they have definining the position back.

    I do not mean to discourage you, but the need of the hour is to call all the senators. There are 100 of them.

    If you were going to do something in addition to the phone calls, Please set up an appointment w/the senator or staff and do a 20 minute Powerpoint presentation. That is more effective.

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  • that should be me justin

  • Ramba
    10-21 06:18 PM
    Thanks Ramba for your insights.

    Whatever the reasons - its apparent USCIS is not following the AC21 regulations and it is not fair. I believe, AC21 regulations are made with an objective of improving immigration rules for 21st century (and thus the name American Competetiveness for 21st century) and provide some mobility for the applicants while their GC applications are pending. The delay in application processing is still relevant (actually its more severe) - irrespective of whether its caused by processing or because of lack of visa numbers. AC21 regulations never mentioned about the origin of delay or the longivity of applicant with original company. Changing interpretation of a rule they made, that too without notice is unfair and maybe even unlawful.

    So far I was thinking that its a case of misinformed IO rejecting I485 once they see a I140 revocation. But rejecting MTR on the grounds that employee has left the company on his/her own and so does not have intent of continuing in the job is just plain twisting of their own rules. And we need a much bigger effort - if its a case of a few misinformed USCIS employees incorrectly rejecting I485 - then it could have been fixed with a low key effort that we are doing. We are seeing more rejections based on unknown "interpretations" - and even MTR getting rejected - it kind of gives a feeling that they have a bigger agenda here and we need to fight on a bigger scale.

    If a guy lawfully changed the job after 180 days of 485 filing, it is remain valid even if employer revokes already approved 140. Only solution to overcome this MTR, is taking this to court. In the case of dispute between employee and employer regarding "intent", the employee will have more leverage if he had a considerable period of employment relationship sponsor.

    04-30 03:21 PM
    Only 95000 GCs? I thought the recap number is somewhere in the 200K range. Or is this family based GC for which 95K will be available?

    Max waiting country Philippines (family based) = 22 years
    if recapture enacted we shortened it for a few months.

    Very good analysis by the guy currently speaking. I love it! basically he is laughing at the 'family values as defended by the USCIS and DOS'. What a poor job they are doing!

    07-14 02:45 PM
    I am trying to pay thru PNC Bank. When trying to add IV, there are 2 options. One is With number and the second Without number.

    eb3_nepa: Could you please put some guidelines on how to use BillPAy? Sorry for the ignorance.

    Can anyone using PNC bank please help Caliber? Surely someone or the other uses PNC bank on here.

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