Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Daughters Of Charity Habit

images (note the white habit) Daughters Of Charity Habit. members with their habit
  • members with their habit

  • kalyan
    09-12 01:32 PM
    count me .I cant come out of my Place till Oct 7'th.

    If you want me in Some Rally, i will be there. I am'nt anonymous.

    Looks like USCIS needs people who can do Math, SQL Developers, Business Process analysts

    Lets help them out who in turn can help us

    Lets volunteer to work with USCIS in any form or shape they need , like digging the records, streamlining data or any other matter.

    wallpaper members with their habit Daughters Of Charity Habit. Vincy revealed a bad habit of
  • Vincy revealed a bad habit of

  • MDix
    03-03 04:31 PM
    That is not true, my lawyer who is very influential and he has some good contacts he told me that this year spill-over would be different form last year. I was stupid so didn�t believe him about July 2007, and paying it for now for not having EAD.

    I know this is hard to believe especially if something comes from lawyer.

    Looks like MDix is making fun of EB3-I bcoz current law doesn't allow any spillover for EB3-I category. Damn you MDix.


    Daughters Of Charity Habit. Charity Gala Celebration.
  • Charity Gala Celebration.

  • pmpforgc
    03-05 09:58 PM
    Entire world is turning up against immigration. It is beyond individual/group control to lobby for changes in that area.

    It is on the threshold of the time. Right now we as individuals still can make a decision to continue to be in US and wait it out or go back to our home country.

    But if this trend continues, I am afraid, some new law will make that decision for us to send us all back. It is just around the corner. Worst part is we can't do a thing about that.

    So want to blame anyone, blame your politicians of your native country for creating such a mess that people wanted to move to a different country.

    I agree fully with you.

    in our home country we have hard time to walk in cities because of exploding population.

    Hard to get clean water, air, milk and everything else

    Education system is detoriating day by day because of privatization, private institutions only look for profit and dont care mostly for their students. Fortunately they have billion people to get customers. Our engineers are mostly unemployable

    Property values are rising to extreme level beyond affordability of common man. Poverty rate is increasing day by day. Agriculture is detoriating and we are not a manufactuting masters. Our engineers are getting poor in quality day by day and scientist get frustated every day because of injust system so try to migrate every where else. We can never survive as country creating softwares or answering calls for long time. It might serve us for short period.

    Morality. Corruption, attitude of peoples and so-called social net work (which is even more selfish then US) are even hard to compare with other countries where relations and systems are more open and frank. In our home country on surface every thing looks good but if you try to look below it is hard to say how supefecious it is.

    so in short if we are hear only because we wanted GC, then we should leave in next flight to home. But if you have seen any other advantages of being here then hangin, GC will come. Dont wait for GC every day, just live your life and enjoy it to full extent.

    2011 Vincy revealed a bad habit of Daughters Of Charity Habit. stop his 13-a-day habit.
  • stop his 13-a-day habit.

  • BlueCard
    10-01 12:13 PM
    If this news is true, then we can see "wild" approvals before the end of September. Some people with complete cases may overtake others.

    Mine was probably such a wild case. With a PD of DEC2004 Eb3 ROW, I-140 approved in 2006, filed I-485 in June (ND: June 27), FP: August 1st, "Notice sent welcoming permanent resident" on September 17th, received my card 4 days later, even before the notices. Less than 3 months total processing time, end to end.

    I guess they just picked the low hanging fruit and fast-tracked like crazy to waste as little visa numbers as possible. But still not fast enough...


    Daughters Of Charity Habit. This group does not wear the pleated wimple but the rest of their habit
  • This group does not wear the pleated wimple but the rest of their habit

  • yawl
    08-02 05:05 PM
    An article confirmed the number (~76K):

    "3. The unofficial reports are that the Texas Service Center received approximately 40,000 I-485 applications during the first day or two in July and the Nebraska Service Center received approximately 35,000 I-485 applications during the same period of time. "

    Since I was bored at work, I called this number and talked with a rep this morning @10. She told me that they have 76K applications pending for the receipt date as of July 27th. She said this two times thinking me to take on with surprise with this huge number. Yes, of course I am surprised. Is it only 76K apps by July 27th?

    Daughters Of Charity Habit. an identifiable habit,
  • an identifiable habit,

  • Zee
    07-04 05:17 PM
    I sent an email to all 100 senators, hopefully they will reply.


    Daughters Of Charity Habit. means “relating to charity
  • means “relating to charity

  • snathan
    02-13 10:42 PM
    Well. Your parents and in laws may not need your money. But defintely IV needs it. So contribute at

    I will. Thanks for rounding up.

    Whats the meaning of this...

    2010 Charity Gala Celebration. Daughters Of Charity Habit. (note the white habit)
  • (note the white habit)

  • Libra
    09-14 02:32 PM


    Daughters Of Charity Habit. Her mother, Charity, worked as
  • Her mother, Charity, worked as

  • lp2007
    09-16 02:16 AM
    Just made a one time contribution of $100
    Order Details - Sep 15, 2007 23:30 GMT-07:00
    Google Order #412727833594707

    Unfortunately I cannot be at DC, but Thank You all for the efforts.

    hair stop his 13-a-day habit. Daughters Of Charity Habit. well dressed daughters of
  • well dressed daughters of

  • Napoleon
    03-10 09:38 PM
    Question #3 and #4 should conclude this discussion.

    Also how do you define an established company.
    If I stay employed for 2-3 yrs on my spouse's LLC and bring 200K each year, is that established?

    From the above paragraph (quoted on Murthy site), it seems that it would be very much possible to just get self-employed (of course job description should be same and legal).

    But here are the Questions:
    1). How will USCIS be convinced that the original job offer was really the intended employment at the time the I-140 and I-485 were filed??
    2). How do you prove to USCIS that the original job offer was something that you intended to take on getting your GC?

    From the below excerpt (same Murthy site and part of above doc)

    Ability of New Sponsor to Pay
    The Memo clarifies that there should not be requests for "ability to pay" proof from the new sponsor as part of the I-140 approval process. However, the Memo does state that it would be appropriate to check the legitimacy of the new employer and the job offer in connection with the I-485 approval. So, the new employer may have to show financial viability and prove that there is a valid job offer in order for the foreign national employee and any family members to obtain the I-485 approval.

    3).Doesn�t the above mean that USCIS will still check to see if your (lets say) spouse�s company or start-up company has the ability to pay you?

    4). So, even though USCIS is saying �Yes� to self employment, will they (excerpt from mandersons musings)
    �..ask for 2 yrs of tax filings of future employer to prove that it's an established company (although they are not supposed to bring up 'ability to pay' issue which is already covered in approved 140 -- but being USCIS anything goes...)???


    Daughters Of Charity Habit. forcing the Sisters to
  • forcing the Sisters to

  • Aah_GC
    07-11 12:13 PM
    Try your best to find a job. The market is picking up. At least try to join one of those desi companies even if they are offering a low salary. Just get past this time without making your situation a whole lot more complex.

    Dont worry about lawyers, your ex employer revoking I140 - all that stuff doesn't matter now - just go find a job.

    I am not sure if I should be happy or sad with this news. I was laidoff recently and had applied for I-485 on July 17,2007 i.e. current processing date for TSC. Also with this bulletin I will be current (EB2 2006). I have not found a new job yet and my company has told me that they will be revoking my I-140 after 30 days. My company lawyers are not advising me much citing conflict of interest.

    What options do I have? Will sending a new G-28 form at this time raise any issues that I do not have job with original employer as my PD is current and it is quite possible that my case maybe adjudicated. In the meantime if I do not sent new G-28 form I am not sure how much my company attorney will co-operate

    hot This group does not wear the pleated wimple but the rest of their habit Daughters Of Charity Habit. The Sisters#39; orphanage in
  • The Sisters#39; orphanage in

  • trueguy
    08-14 10:50 PM
    actually people are already complacent ..eb2 is in joy and waiting impatiently, eb3 people have given up hope and there is not much news from core. people may not like my post but that is the fact

    I agree. Nobody wants to talk about EB3-I, not even core IV.


    house Sisters of Charity of Ottawa Daughters Of Charity Habit. Sisters Of Charity Of The
  • Sisters Of Charity Of The

  • chanduv23
    09-10 10:01 AM
    They most of the approvals are of US Master degree and above as it is straight fwd EB2 no need to verify skill set etc..

    Not quite true - this is done at 140 not 485

    tattoo an identifiable habit, Daughters Of Charity Habit. reminded her Sisters,
  • reminded her Sisters,

  • addsf345
    11-20 03:38 PM
    Some benefits can be revoked automatically (I-140, I-485), some can be revoked only after determination is made by USCIS and a beneficiary is notified and has an opportunity to respond. EAD is one of the latter.
    See e.g., 8 CFR Part 205 titled "Revocation of approval of petitions". It has two sections: 205.1 Automatic revocation and 205.2 Revocation on notice.
    EAD is not listed in Sec. 205.1. Moreover, 8 CFR �274a.12(c) specifically lists reasons for automatic revocation. I-485 denial is not listed as such a reason. Therefore, EAD remains valid even after I-485 denial untill it expires or until USCIS director revokes it. I do not see any basis for a different legal interpretation.

    See also this court of appeals (8th Cir.) decision where the court says that automatic revocation occurs only if a specific condition specified in the laws and regs is met:

    "The district court thought that her adoptive father's petition for immediate relative status was automatically revoked when Taylor reached age 21, pursuant to 8 C.F.R. � 205.1(a)(3)(i)(F), but the record does not appear to support that conclusion. The automatic revocation occurs only if the alien reaches age 21 before commencing her journey to the United States (which Taylor did not) or if the alien reaches age 21 before a decision on a pending application for adjustment of status becomes final (and there is no evidence in the record that Taylor ever applied for adjustment of status). See 8 C.F.R. � 205.1(a)(3). Thus, it is possible that the petition for immediate relative status was not revoked when Taylor reached age 21, but rather � if the 1984 visa petition was "currently valid" as of her 21st birthday � automatically converted to an approved petition for classification as an unmarried daughter of a citizen of the United States, pursuant to 8 C.F.R. � 204.2(i)(2). See 8 U.S.C. � 1153(a)(1). In that case, Taylor may have been legally present throughout her time in the United States."

    Thank you 'lazycis' for reconfirming this. Just 2 weeks back I used to think that keep working on H1B is lot safer than using EAD :o


    pictures means “relating to charity Daughters Of Charity Habit. Perry#39;s Charity Loving Breasts
  • Perry#39;s Charity Loving Breasts

  • GC_Optimist
    09-29 11:59 AM
    By not utilizing all the visa numbers USCIS is creating artificial scarcity
    leading to huge Backlog. I think this needs to be highligted to the
    lawmakers. or Administration.

    dresses The Sisters#39; orphanage in Daughters Of Charity Habit. Into the charity shop bag went
  • Into the charity shop bag went

  • amit1234
    09-11 10:11 AM
    A little contribution of $100 for a great effort by IV

    Google Order #720968632428178


    makeup Her mother, Charity, worked as Daughters Of Charity Habit. Sisters of Charity of Ottawa
  • Sisters of Charity of Ottawa

  • chanduv23
    11-21 04:54 PM
    You know what, my head is going bananas. What you said makes sense too. May be it finally boils down to what IO thinks who is handling your case and LUCK!

    Not really h1b is a different track all together. If 485 is denied and the denial is final - person is still free to work till h1b expires thats why lawyers say h1b is safer

    girlfriend reminded her Sisters, Daughters Of Charity Habit. Sisters of Charity of Ottawa
  • Sisters of Charity of Ottawa

  • raj3078
    09-28 06:48 PM
    This is just Sad.....

    hairstyles forcing the Sisters to Daughters Of Charity Habit. (Guest Post by Charity)
  • (Guest Post by Charity)

  • WaldenPond
    03-16 10:08 AM
    I just called .... same reply. But more calls (pressure) would help.

    08-12 12:48 PM
    I totally agree that is a very unfair measure against the whole H1-B community and all of us here especially for lots of us who come from large Indian technology companies. Having said that, don�t we all agree that the mess we are in including the Green Card retrogression is driven by the fact that this H1-B system was grossly misused by the unscrupulous body shops and consulting companies run primarily by Indians in US. These companies not only reduced the quality of Indian Professionals which was sort after by American Technology companies but also has made the skill set of every Indian professional seeking a job doubtful because of the widespread practice of dressing up the resumes. I am sure this had to happen sooner or later and unfortunately the ethical Indian companies have also got caught in this.

    I agree but how will this change the world. The 2K will now be transferred to the employee; earlier employee paid 1000, now he will pay 3000. That does not solve the problem.

    08-02 10:01 PM
    yabadaba , thanks a lot for the op-ed

    i sent you a pm with some suggestions if you could add. Thank you also for posting it on the forum. other members can also read it and could make their op-ed different from this. you could edit your op-ed in your posting too if you change anything. Members you can post your op-eds too on the forum. You can PM me your name if you like to reveal, IV ID and email address (needed) and it can be added to your op-eds when it is submitted to media.
    thanks again

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