Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown

images party snaps, kate hudson Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Hudson looked positively regal
  • Hudson looked positively regal

  • nosightofgc
    09-10 03:45 PM
    Contributed $100 on 09/09/2007.

    wallpaper Hudson looked positively regal Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Kate Hudson took the quot;Best of
  • Kate Hudson took the quot;Best of

  • conchshell
    06-10 10:57 AM
    So July visa bulletin is out ... we will see comments with frustation and appeals to fight for the cause ... however, this is a prediction thread, so my prediction is that by next week, all affected people will accept the reality and will move on with their life waiting for August visa bulletin or for the next year quota. My purpose is not to offend anyone, but this is just the observation we all had in the past, so why this time around its going to be any different?

    Now as far as those three bills are concerned ... at times I feel that they are just pacifiers to amuse the crying babies. We all can see that immigration related bill (fashion models, regional investors etc) are getting passed, but not the one's that we really want. Therefore hearings in the sub-committie and than in full hearings will go on till August, and afterwards presidential election will be the focus ... immigration reforms will take a back seat. New administration in 2009 will have more immediate priorities to fix the economy, war, etc. Immigration will eventually appear on the radar, but only after some time.

    So only movement I can see in near future is EB3 to EB2 conversion. That's OK too. because everyone has a right to straddle the lanes. Out of that stampede, some will get approved, some will get rejected, and will create more mess in the system. But that's inevitable ... and if a mass transition happens, USCIS will have no other option to bring in yet another rule to make their life easy, we all can guess ... what that may be ... I think this is one of the reasons why USCIS does not allow 140 premium processing anymore. Now those who are hopefull for EB2, my message is that USCIS can very easily justify visa wastage this year because of the extra load they got from Citizenship applications. Personally, I do not have much hope of USCIS working efficiently.

    I am not trying to spread pessimism, but just giving my predictions. We all need to think hard, as to how can we come out of this mess. Flower campaign worked once, but doesn't mean that its gonna be effective again and again.

    Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Marchesa gown and long,
  • Marchesa gown and long,

  • nyte_crawler
    04-26 12:38 PM
    You have been calling H1 PD will be fair for some time now. I dont think it is. It is infact unfair for those who have the intention to immigrate. (Sorry to say this time and time again)
    Let's say,
    Person A comes in Jan 1999, works for several companies and infact jumped around for higher pay and better prospects and just before the 6th year is finished he/she applies for the GC process.
    Person B comes in Dec 1999, works for a year and decides to settle and applies for the GC process and get stuck with the employer.

    According to your argument, who gets a better deal, Person A. But is it fair. Absolutely Not. Lets say you walk into a grocery store, but want to stand infront of the queue in the check-out line just because you entered in the grocery store first does not makes sense. :)

    Learning01, thanks for hijacking the topic to SS and Medicare. :)

    I dont expect the wait to be any less longer .. But I would surely welcome priority date being based on H1 start date as it would be more fair method

    2011 Kate Hudson took the quot;Best of Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Marchesa gown at the
  • Marchesa gown at the

    07-30 02:04 AM

    I was not married to her when she got her green card.It is even more difficult if we wait for family based petition, so we decided to get it through EB3, which at that time the sched A was very much highlighted.I am also ff any ammendments offered but to our dismay,the battle is even more uphill.She works in ICU and she said that it is undeniably true that shortage of nurses is everywhere.Am sure our wives are also suffering just as bad.Hope none of the lawmakers have to wait in ER becasue the nurse who is suppose to look after her/him is still waiting for his visa. this American dream is just taking its toll on a lot of people.It is very frustrating.


    Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Marchesa gown. Kate Hudson
  • Marchesa gown. Kate Hudson

  • gjoe
    10-03 04:47 PM
    We have to first fight to get all visa number allocated. How?

    1) Assign visa numbers to all I485 cases based on PD at the begining of each year
    2) After assigning the visa number they can do the rest of the processing
    3) If application is denied they can transfer the visa number to the next application in queue as per the PD

    I think this is a good start and fair system which would slove some of the problem we have today.
    We can work on getting the backlog eliminated seperately because this issue is going to take lot of efforts, money and politics.

    Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Kate Hudson#39;s structured
  • Kate Hudson#39;s structured

  • samrat_bhargava_vihari
    04-27 02:47 PM
    I have my sister in law from India on H4. She got married after her husband got his 797B approved and so she does not have her own 797C. The DMV wants her own 797C approval notice to give her a temporary drivers license. How does she get that? Can she file some petition with USCIS to get it?

    Normally they need 2 kind of identification cards to make sure you are the right person. For H1 people it would be their passport/Visa/I-797/SSN etc.
    For H4 it would be his/her passport and visa makes two identifications, but some people consider it as just one identification so try with marriage certificate or Indian driving license. Some people will have different last name in marriage certificate and passport who need to provide some additional documents which are in DMV list. They accept documents only which are in their list.


    Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Kate Hudson looked pretty and
  • Kate Hudson looked pretty and

  • qualified_trash
    01-03 03:58 PM
    I think it is the perspective that has changed. Until 2 years back we were ready to die to live in this country, we thought our country was crowded, polluted etc. etc. Things haven't changed much there. It's still same, criminals are still the most powerful, power, food & Shelter is still scarce, poor count hasn't decreased. It's just we are not seeing now 'the dark side of the moon'. There's no doubt our American dream is screwed up big time. We have ruined the best times in our lives. Out of these 1 million Visa holders, 1000's would have been entrepreneurs, artists, etc. etc. but this green card chase has beaten us down to H1B Visa holder forever.
    my contention is that if you had stayed back, you would not even have what you have today.

    assuming that 1000's would have done something better is a VERY big assumption.

    2010 Marchesa gown and long, Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. party snaps, kate hudson
  • party snaps, kate hudson

  • nk2006
    10-21 03:32 PM
    I am sending PMs to senior members of forum requesting to send emails. Started with "A" :)

    Thank you for doing this.


    Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. new-marchesa-wedding-dresses-
  • new-marchesa-wedding-dresses-

  • Macaca
    09-14 07:22 PM
    Immigration Paralysis ( By George Melloan ( | Wall Street Journal, Jul 27 2007

    hair Marchesa gown at the Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Kate#39;s asymetrical Versace
  • Kate#39;s asymetrical Versace

  • javadeveloper
    08-14 06:39 PM
    People who can buy houses are more important to USCIS/US than people who already have bought houses.

    Thats what I am saying , if they come up with strategy like this , people will start buying homes.


    Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Kate Hudson wore this Marchesa
  • Kate Hudson wore this Marchesa

  • mdmd10
    09-14 02:56 PM
    Just made a 1 time contribution of $100.
    Thank you for all the good work.

    hot Marchesa gown. Kate Hudson Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Marchesa gown. Kate Hudson
  • Marchesa gown. Kate Hudson

  • ksrk
    02-25 06:28 PM
    I would be the most happiest person if that happens :D

    NOW (no order whatsoever) is what applies during that last quarter.

    So, it doesn't really do anything for certain for anyone - except get us all on the edge of our seats "while supplies last".

    Well, good luck to all! Let's see what happens.


    house Kate Hudson#39;s loose updo has a Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Fash Off: Kate Hudson Vs. Anna
  • Fash Off: Kate Hudson Vs. Anna

  • lonedesi
    08-14 02:25 PM
    Has any of the members who sent out the letter & Form received any response from Ombudsman's office. Please post as and when you receive any response.

    tattoo Kate Hudson#39;s structured Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Kate Hudson, in a shimmering
  • Kate Hudson, in a shimmering

  • leo2606
    07-14 08:17 PM
    I guess we need to bump until the Admins make it sticky.


    pictures Kate Hudson looked pretty and Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Undecided: Kate Hudson
  • Undecided: Kate Hudson

  • srikondoji
    08-02 04:08 PM
    This was answered in the trail of threads following the first post. However for the benefit of all, i updated the original post.
    Please refer back to it.

    Any updates for TSC who sent their applications to NSC??

    dresses Marchesa gown. Kate Hudson Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. beaded gown; Kate Hudson
  • beaded gown; Kate Hudson

  • lifesucksinUS
    08-13 03:56 PM
    I am sorry but is the September visa bulliten out? What is the status for EB2..


    makeup new-marchesa-wedding-dresses- Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Kate Hudson#39;s loose updo has a
  • Kate Hudson#39;s loose updo has a

  • caydee
    01-03 05:29 PM
    Filed AP on Aug-8-2007. Today received email from CRIS saying that Documents have been mailed. Hope you all will get soon.

    There appears to be a big time gap between the date one receives the USCIS email and the date the documents are actually delivered.

    girlfriend Kate Hudson, in a shimmering Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. Kate Hudson
  • Kate Hudson

  • funny
    09-12 02:41 PM
    Looks like backward clock is the most popular idea so far.
    There are two scenarios someone suggested to me in the office:
    Scenario 1: Send these indiviudually (one per person).
    Scenario 2: Send collectively a set of 10 backward clocks, with a greivance/protest letter , where as 10 represents month of October and signed by IV.

    only 30 people have voted so far....and we are talking about organizing 70,000 People.....Most of the users come here to get the latest news related to GC and to get answers to their questions....50% of users won't even log in to the site if they don't have any "URGENT Question" or "Need Help.."( I know that 50% of my friends don't log in to the site everyday) Type of questions to Post...I bet more then half of the users won't be aware of these efforts that we are trying to put in. I think we need to first inform everybody that IV needs theirs support. we should send emails to every users to come and check the site..

    hairstyles Kate Hudson wore this Marchesa Kate Hudson Marchesa Gown. If you loved Kate Hudson#39;s
  • If you loved Kate Hudson#39;s

  • a1b2c3
    08-16 08:13 PM
    Thanks for posting the doc. What is the source of this doc?

    07-21 11:59 AM
    I believe this is amendment to reconcillation bill between the house and sentate bill.

    Sorry, I'm still confused, but it is entirely possible its my misunderstanding of American Senate and House of Representatives proceedings. How does a Senator add an amendment to a House of Representative bill?

    Are we talking about 240,000 greencards to recapture or 2,400,000?

    By the way - just because you make the letters huge and bold, it doesn't make it easier to comprehend.

    07-19 01:16 PM
    count me in too..:), I live in Orange County

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